Yellow Pages
We recommend that you submit your business details to the Yellow Pages Business Directory.
This will provide another place that your customers might find your business on the internet, and will provide a valuable link back to your website.
Steps to submitting your website to Yellow pages
- Go to
- Click on "Submit your free listing", then the "FREE listings Signup" button
- Follow through and complete all fields - you will need your ABN or ACN handy.
When you get to the "Your Industry Field" start typing generic industry terms relating to your business until a suggestion pops up. For example for Merino Stud we can find "Stud Breeders - Cattle or Sheep". - Submit your form
- Please note a Yellow Pages representative will phone to verify your free listing. They may try to upsell you to a paid listing but this is optional.
Contact us if you have any problems of need a hand.