Marketing Your Livestock Sale
For a lot of our clients, their year revolves around their annual production sale. One of the most important aspects of your annual sale is Marketing. The way that you market your sale and stud can be the difference in pushing that sale average up a few dollars, or drawing a selection of new bidders.
A successful marketing campaign starts well before the sale, with the most important time being the 4 weeks leading up to the event. Understandably, this is the time you are flat out with preparations for the sale and marketing can sometimes fall by the wayside. But it is so important to keep your sale information fresh in people’s minds.The key to successful marketing is to generate a balance of advertising across a wide range of platforms.
We here at BizBoost know first hand how busy sale time can be and that focusing on your marketing campaign can easily slip down on the priorities list. But we’re here to help! We offer a range of services to help you boost your sale and have sale specific packages to provide you with a balanced marketing approach.
To learn more, request a quote today.
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Our Packages
Each package involves a planning session with BizBoost a few months out from your sale to map out your upcoming marketing program.
Sale Booster Silver
Our Silver Package includes:
- Social Media posts in the lead up to your sale. This includes the generation of custom designed posts displaying the photos and information you provide.
- Targeted email blasts to your client list via MailChimp. For those last minute updates of information or feature lots that you want to place a little more emphasis on.
- 1 x Print Advert designed for the publication of your choice
- 1 x Poster design for the promotion of your sale
Sale Booster Gold
Our Gold Package includes:
- Social Media posts in the lead up to your sale. This includes the generation of custom designed posts displaying the photos and information you provide.
- 1 x Paid Facebook advert for extended reach
- Targeted email blasts to your client list via MailChimp. For those last minute updates of information or feature lots that you want to place a little more emphasis on.
- 2 x Print Adverts designed for the publication of your choice
- 1 x Poster design for the promotion of your sale
- 1 x Newsletter / To the Farmer design for your stud
- Website updates in the lead up to your sale (2 hours worth)
Extra Services:
We also offer a range of other services that may be suited to your sale marketing which you can add on as extras. You may also find that some of the inclusions in the packages don’t apply to you, so we can discuss an alternative replacement from the list below in our planning meeting. Just ask us!
- Sale Catalogue Design
- Sale Catalogue Printing
- Sale Poster Design
- Sale Poster Printing
- Advert Design
- Pen Cards Design & Printing
- Mailouts
- Website updates
- Social Media Account Setup
- Social Media updates
- Boosted Facebook Adverts
- eNewsletters – electronic mail out to your client list
- To the Farmers
Talk to us about any other requirements that you have. Anything is possible!